Rémi Luglia


Rémi Luglia is an associate professor and Doctor of History. A naturalist in the field, he is president of the Société nationale de protection de la nature (SNPN). He is a Knight of the National Order of Merit.

He pursues research on the history of nature and wildlife protection and is an associate member of the HisTeMé laboratory (History, Territories & Memories – EA 7455), of the Rural Pole (MRSH) at the University of Caen Normandy, of the CITERES-DATE laboratory (Cities, Territories, Environment and Societies) and of the MSH Val de Loire at the University of Tours. He is also a member of the board of the Association pour l’histoire de la protection de la nature et de l’environnement (AHPNE) and of the Groupe d’histoire des zones humides (GHZH).

Rémi Luglia has published at the Presses Universitaires de Rennes Des savants pour protéger la nature. La Société d’acclimatation (1854-1960) in 2015 and Sales bêtes ! Mauvaises herbes ! « Nuisible », une notion en débat in 2018.