© Carla Adra

Carla Adra


Every work by Carla Adra (b. Toronto in 1993, lives and works in Paris) represents a ‘first time’, a leap into the unknown, and a blend of trust and blind confidence. Often, she works by gathering testimonies whilst imagining systems and exercises that can welcome and amplify these words which ‘have yet to find refuge’, with the aim of ‘making audible what is reduced to silence’.

Paroles chaudes (an expression borrowed from the psychiatrist François Tosquelles, literally meaning ‘hot words’) is the result of Carla Adra’s collaboration with a group from the Institut médico-éducatif Henri Wallon in Noisy-le-Sec that she carried out during her residency at the Centre d’art contemporain La Galerie.

The artist is represented by Galerie Valeria Cetraro, Paris