Benoît Piéron


Benoît Piéron (1983) was born with meningitis, which left him hemiplegic. He spends, as part of his treatment for leukaemia, a big part of his childhood at the hospital. This led to the politicization of his body. Four years ago, he returned to hospital to treat cancer, which had caused him to suffer from myopathy. Reliving the trauma of his childhood led him to become aware of the intimate link between his artistic work and his survival of HIV and ability to transform his guilt into what Donna Haraway has called his “compostable energy”. Piéron seeks to produce alternative expressions of illness where it is reframed as a potentiality. Far from the romantic heroism that infuses conventional metaphors of illness, Piéron occupies a joyous grey zone: his solo exhibition Illness Shower at Galerie Sultana was imagined as a festival of illness.