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© Audi talents / Thomas Lannes

Mind Map

L’exposition des lauréats Audi talents
From 11/26/2021 to 12/05/2021

The “Mind Map” exhibition is not about the subject, but addresses the underlying method explored by the three Audi talents winners to create their work.

At first glance, the link is not obvious between the study of living conducted by Marie-Sarah Adenis, the exploration of our “profiles” through the lens of AI by Charlie Aubry, and the experiments of an “abstract design” made by the duo Henri Frachon and Antoine Lecharny.

However, these three projects do share a common root: the search for shapes enabled and made visible by underlying principles. Through the selective laws of DNA, the binary branches of electronic brains or the variations of abstract concepts, the creators aim to give a body, a shape, a manifesto.

This is the opportunity for the Audi talents program to pursue its exciting explorations of the shapes’ lab, enriched by all the winners since 2007. Over time, it offers a true aesthetic mapping of today’s complex challenges.

Mind Mapping, also called “Brainstorming diagram” or “Mind map”, refers to a graphic representation of different ways of thought. It provides a synthetic and mapped vision of a reflection, a process or even a narrative. In history, and especially in different sciences such as biology, chemistry, linguistic or even in chess theories, it’s often depicted as a tree-structure, which could be called a “path of possibilities”…

From 26/11/2021 to 5/12/2021
