© Rachael Woodson

Discussion related to PAST DISQUIET

17 February 2024 at 5pm

With Kristine Khouri, Rasha Salti, Claude Lazar, Ernest Pignon-Ernest and Serge Le Péron

The discussion with the curators Rasha Salti and Kristine Khouri will be the opportunity for the recollections of three important protagonists in the histories that the exhibition Past Disquiet awakens : Claude Lazar, Serge Le Péron and Ernest Pignon-Ernest.

Claude Lazar was active in the Groupe Cinéma Vincennes, the Front des artistes plasticiens, the Collectif antifascistes de peintres, the Collectif Palestine, and the Association de la Jeune Peinture. He was crucially instrumental in mobilizing artists to donate work for the collection in solidarity with Palestine. Serge Le Péron was at the forefront of groups shaping militant cinema in the aftermath of May ’68. Ernest Pignon-Ernest was one of the initiators of the Art contre/against Apartheid collection and a member of the Brigade internationale de peintres antifascistes. Their paths crossed, around mobilizations in support for people’s right to a dignified life. Their political engagements fed their artistic practice. Their stories have rarely been recorded.

This discussion will be preceded by two simultaneous guided tours of the exhibition PAST DISQUIET by curators Rasha Salti (in French) and Kristine Khouri (in English) at 4pm (more details below).

The discussion is in French with no subtitles or translation. Tickets for this event will provide access to all the exhibitions of the Palais. This discussion will take place in Salle 37.