Along with this invitation to festivals, Palais de Tokyo is also requesting French and foreign artists to create and present their most ardent ideas and projects:
Alex Baczynski-Jenkins: The Tremble ; US Swerve
Rochdi Belgasmi: Zoufri
Jacopo Belloni: Peripezia n°1: l’ostacoliere ; Festa con piccola tragedia
Julie Béna: Tweedledee, the zombie and the mermaid
Rotten Bliss: The Nightwatchman Sings
Eglè Budvytytè: Shaking Children
(in collaboration with Bart Groenendaal)
Benedetto Bufalino: Le terrain de basket du Palais de Tokyo
(at the proposition of Jean-Christophe Arcos)
Boris Dambly (RE:c): The Blind Boxing Brides
(at the proposition of Stéphanie Pécourt)
Lorenzo De Angelis: Haltérophile
(at the proposition of Camping – CND)
Laurent Goldring: ALTER EGO
Piero Golia
(at the proposition of Pier-Paolo Pancotto)
Célia Gondol: Slow
Silvia Gribaudi: A corpo libero
(at the proposition of Santarcangelo Festival)
Francesca Grilli: The Forgetting of Air
(at the proposition of Santarcangelo Festival)
Séverin Guelpa: The Big Breath
Thomas Mailaender: Soupe à l’oignon
(at the proposition of Actoral)
Jacopo Miliani: A slow dance without name ; Throwing balls at night
Dorothée Munyaneza & Holland Andrews: Fireball Lily
Musarc: Les tableaux vivants
(with Sam Belinfante, Ben Hadley, Neil Luck, Joseph Kohlmaier, TONGUE & Sarah Kate Wilson. Music director: Cathy Heller Jones.)
Simon Pfeffel: I will carry YOU
(at the proposition of Jean-Christophe Arcos)
Nicolas Puyjalon: Mont analogue
aalliicceelleessccaannnnee&soonniiaaddeerrzzyyppoollsskkii: 是中国人
Lara Schnitger: Suffragette City
Pablo Tomek: PalaisInstaResidency + Peintures Vivantes
Naama Tsabar: Untitled (double face)
Jonathan Uliel Saldanha: Oxidation Machine
(at the proposition of Festival DDD – Dias Da Dança)
Studio Dennis Vanderbroeck: How I try to achieve several difficult things at the same time
Alexander Vantournhout: Aneckxander
(with Bauke Lievens. At the proposition of Actoral)
John Wood and Paul Harrison: Boat, Board, Legged, Device
Miet Warlop: Nervous Pictures
(at the proposition of Actoral)
Tori Wrånes
The selection of projects BYOP (Bring your own performance) will bring some surprises !
(With : Medhi Besnainou, Alexis Chrun, Rafaela Lopez, Amandine Maas, Nid Gâté, Nouvelle Collection Paris, Julie Sas et YOURS)
General curator of the festival: Vittoria Matarrese