Nicolas Murer


Nicolas Murer (1980) is a musician and singer who performs under multiple aliases (Mulan Serrico, Macon, Spor Tranquil, Maurer, Jack Nicklaus Tribute Band, Drosofile, Gueule Ouverte). He founded the Stochastic Releases label, is a member of the newArray collective with Binary Digit, Silent Manifesto, and Nineties Entities, co-hosts the Trafic 908 radio show on Radio Campus Grenoble, works as an engineer, and has been collaborating with Lili-Reynaud-Dewar for about a decade.

He produced the electro lo-fi tracks played through the monitor beds of the Live Through That exhibition series in 2014-2015, the music for the pop opera “My Epidemic (The Small Modest Bad Blood Opera)” presented as an installation at the Venice Biennale in 2015 and as a karaoke video in 2022 in the “Exposé.es” exhibition at the Palais de Tokyo, the music for “The Small Tragic Opera of Images and Bodies in The Museum” presented at Wiels for the Kunstenfestival des arts in 2017, and, finally, in 2018, the soundtrack for the horror film “Beyond The Land Of Minimal Possessions.” Lili and Nicolas have also performed together on several occasions, including the Performance Proletarians program at Magasin in Grenoble in 2014 and the “Dents Gencives Futur Machine Société” show at the Théâtre des Amandiers in Nanterre in 2016.