Photo credit : Dalal Tamri


Feminist and anti-racist association

Lallab is a feminist and anti-racist association in France whose goal is to amplify the voices and defend the rights of Muslim women in order to fight against the racist, sexist, and Islamophobic discrimination and violence we face. Their mission is to create a world where every woman can define herself without fear of being judged, or discriminated against, regardless of her multiple intersectional identities – the majority of whom are also racial and ethnic minorities – consistently face multiple forms of systemic oppression, notably racism, sexism, and Islamophobia. Their mission is to place Muslim women at the center of French and European movements fighting against the violence and discrimination that directly impact our lives. Their struggle is a political and collective response to the patriarchal, racist, colonial, and capitalist system, rooted in the history and legacies of feminist and Muslim women who have led fights for emancipation and liberation. It contributes significantly to the construction of feminist thought across the world.