Ismail Alaoui Fdili


Ismail Alaoui Fdili is a Moroccan artist born in 1992 in Casablanca. He is a graduate of both LInstitut Supérieur des Arts de Toulouse and LEcole Nationale darts de Paris-Cergy, he first explores creation and artistic direction before joining, in 2020, l’école Kourtrajmé under the direction of Ladj Ly. His artists work is about the people living in the gap between inclusion and social exclusion. He dialogues through his practice with people in the exercise of socially discredited and devalued jobs such as ragpickers, car guards and lookouts also called chouf”.
Ismail Alaoui Fdili’s practice involves different forms such as sculpture, photography, performance and film. Ismail Alaoui Fdili is also founder and Dean of the International University of Car Guarding
based in Marrakech and Clichy sous Bois, Seine-Saint-Denis. In 2021, he is in residence at the Ateliers Médicis as well as at the Fiminco foundation, he joins Aragon Pantin in 2022. He is developing with Synesthésie-Mmaintenant, in collaboration with the Ile-de-France region, a project around Diogene
’s syndrome.