© Gaëlle Matata

Gorge Bataille

Performer and writer

GORGE, also known as Élodie Petit, is a performer and writer of sexual, manifesto-like, lyrical, and quirky poetry. Her cherished subjects revolve around identity turmoil and class struggle. Through her work Fiévreuse plébéienne (published by ed du commun, 2022), she defines the “bastard language” (langue bâtarde): an experiential, menacing, and queer language. Since 2010, together with Marguerin Le Louvier, they have been crafting queer punk fanzines under the name of “Éditions Douteuses,” with an anthology released by Rotolux press (2021). They collaborate with sound artists such as Méryll Ampe and mona servo, while actively participating in the RERQ collective of authors and facilitating collective writing workshops. Further information: http://elodiepetit.fr/