Eduardo Viveiros de Castro (Rio de Janeiro,1951) is an anthropologist with field experience in South American indigenous societies. He has published on vernacular cosmologies, the kinship structures and political organization of Amazonian peoples, and general anthropolgical theory. He has a PhD in Social Anthropology from UFRJ (1984), and is Professor of social anthropology at the same university. He was Simon Bolívar Professor of Latin American Studies, University of Cambridge (1997-1998)and Directeur d’Etudes at the CNRS (1999-2001). His main publications are : From the Enemy’s Point of View (Chicago, 1992); A Inconstância da Alma Selvagem (São Paulo, 2002); Métaphysiques cannibales (Paris, 2009); The Relative Native (Chicago, 2015), A Floresta de Cristal (São Paulo, 2024), and (with Déborah Danowski), The Ends of the World (London, 2017).