Born in 1984, Anne Horel is an “artist on social networks”, based in Paris. A maker of collages, GIF artist, video-maker, explorer of fashion, or iconographic sampler, she works mainly on the Internet. As a compulsive multi-surfer and iconophagist, her favoured mode of expression is the collage.
Raised at once by television, video games, the Minitel and the Internet, Anne Horel has been struck by the seal of zapping, which is symptomatic of the post-bug generation of the year 2000.
She gathers materials from contemporary iconography and history (of art), extracts from them relationships, paradoxes, or abysses, while cultivating a holistic position to artistic practice. A graduate of ENSAPC (École Nationale Supérieure d’Arts de Paris-Cergy) in 2011 with the congratulations of the jury, she was selected that same year for the Salon de Montrouge. In 2015, she joined the Partizan audio-visual production company, where she has produced animations, music clips and content for social networks. She has in particular worked with MTV, Guerlain, Maker (Disney), Twitter…