Getting here

Opening hours

  • Mondays, Wednesdays, Fridays, Saturdays and Sundays : 12 pm.-10pm.
  • Thursdays : 12 pm-midnight.
  • Tuesdays : The Palais de Tokyo is closed to the public.

Closed annually on January 1st, May 1st and December 25th.
Special closing time at 6pm on December 24th and 31st.

How to get to the Palais de Tokyo

Located between the Eiffel Tower and the Champs Élysées

13, avenue du Président Wilson 75116 Paris

Metro: line 9 / Iéna and Alma Marceau stations
RER: line C / Pont de l’Alma station
Bus: routes 32, 42, 63, 72, 80, 92
Parkings closeby



Anti-terrorist security plan – Vigipirate

– Following the attacks in Paris in November 2015 and to ensure every visitor’s safety, Palais de Tokyo enforces the security measures taken by the government regarding public administrations.
– Visitors are advised however not to come to Palais de Tokyo with bags and suitcases. It is forbidden to take suitcases, travel bags and bag packs larger than A3 size into Palais de Tokyo. In any case, only bags smaller than the maximal size (55 cm x 35 cm x 20 cm) are allowed and must left at the cloackroom after security control and before entering the exhibition spaces.
– The place however remains open under usual operating conditions.
– Palais de Tokyo thanks visitors in advance to kindly comply with security controls (visual check of personal belongings, metal detection and frisk search) at the different entrances.

Terms of sale

Visiting rules

Access for persons with reduced mobility

Free admission to all exhibitions
The entire Palais de Tokyo is accessible to persons with reduced mobility.

Free admission to all exhibitions for people with disabilities (CMI card) as well as an accompanying person. Wheelchairs are available for loan from reception.

Designated parking spaces
Designated parking spaces are located at the corners of Rue de Galliera/Avenue du Président Wilson and Rue de Brignole/Avenue du Président Wilson.

Visitor guides and guided tours
Specially adapted visitor guides (for mentally or visually impaired persons) are available on request from the visitors’ desk, and guided tours in French sign language are organised on a regular basis.