With : Jean-Baptiste Caron, Fanny Châlot, Charlotte Charbonnel, Olivier Chiron, Jérémy Gobé, Stéphanie Lagarde, Julie Said, Giuliana Zefferi.
The Meltem wind, after turning Ulysses away from his native island, led him to some of his most compelling and enriching experiences. The Meltem—the activity generated by the shock between high and low pressures, a power leading to unexpected horizons—brings about unexpected encounters and metamorphoses of reality.
A generation of artists arises and the exhibition space is altered as a result. The artists provide their apparitions, their assemblages and their transformations. The works on display constitute a topsy-turvy but wonderfully disparate universe. These young artists are all graduates of the Art-Space section of the École Nationale Supérieure des Arts Décoratifs. There, they developed a knowledge and culture specific to each different field of contemporary creation. Today, they exercise their capacity for metamorphosis through various expressive means, requiring very diverse techniques.
They are united by a shared meditation on the creation of sculptures and installations, but each displays an indisputable individuality. Organic contamination, work on volume or sound, composite sculpture or video installation: their work bears witness to an experimental aptitude and to a close attention to modes of production, as each object makes a lasting impression on reality. In a world dominated by the image and by potentiality, these techniques suggest an alternative relationship to materiality, both dynamic and tangible, carried by a fresh breeze.
The École Nationale Supérieure des Arts Décoratifs is an institute of higher learning under the authority of the Ministry of Culture and Communication that offers ten areas of specializations, including the Art-Space department.
Training takes place over five years, leading to a Masters degree. EnsadLab, its research laboratory, also offers a dozen Doctoral programs.
The school is a member of the Research and Higher Education Ministry “Paris Science and Letters” (PSL).
Instruction in the Art-Space section relies on the skills of different sectors of the school and offers technical and technological instruction, closely linked to a theoretical reflection. The use of space is understood in the broadest sense, from sculpture to installation, encompassing both traditional and contemporary media. Graduates have already achieved recognition on the French art scene. Benoit Pype and Mimosa Échard’s work were displayed as part of the Modules – Fondation Pierre Bergé – Yves Saint Laurent at the Palais de Tokyo in 2012.
This exhibition is create in partnership with