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Eduardo Basualdo

Teoría (La cabeza de Goliath)
From 14/02/2014 to 07/09/2014

Produced by SAM Art Projects

The works of Eduardo Basualdo (b. 1977, lives and works in Buenos Aires) plunge us into a world of strange familiarity, inspired by natural phenomenon and forces at work in our environment. Greatly influenced by the study of literature, theatre and psychoanalysis, the artist puts into perspective Man’s place, his irreversible submission and his potential emancipation from universal forces that evade his control. What are our resources in the face of life and nature’s mysterious energies if not our consciousnesses and illusions that remain fragile but fundamental? “I return to the notion of man at the center of the universe like a lucid eye, capable of seeing everything but incapable of understanding or changing anything. In my work, man always appears as a victim of overwhelming circumstances”
The surprising and compelling work Teoría (La cabeza de Goliath) (2014) that recalls the shape of a meteorite, dominates and threatens the viewer with its mysterious and disproportionate mass whose interiority and origin remain unreachable and unrecognizable. The idea is to experience the mystery of this form that dominates our bodies and minds, eliciting doubt and arousing questions. Dramatic and oneiric, Teoría encourages both contemplation and fear towards the unknown towering over us, superior to our existences. Hanging only by a fine rope, the work evokes a fragile balance that can be easily broken, often referred to in mythological narratives. It could thus fall down on mankind according to the irreversible laws of gravity.

Curator: Rebecca Lamarche-Vadel