See below

Bertrand Lavier

La Vénus d’Amiens
From 06/23/2016 to 09/11/2016
By modifying the scale and the materials of a prehistoric statuette, Bertrand Lavier (born in 1949, in Chatillon-sur-Seine) has removed it from the Paleolithic era so as to integrate it into the heart of today’s artistic preoccupations.
Commissaire : Jean de Loisy

Since 2012, Palais de Tokyo has been inviting artists, from all generations, to intervene on its building. These in situ pieces may appear on a wall, the windows, etc., and are regularly replaced. Today, it is under the title “Anémochories”* that Palais de Tokyo is bringing together these works which echo with one another, fromn one space to another.

* “Dispersal, by the wind, of the fruits and seeds of flowering plants, or, more generally, of spores and other forms of dispersal of living species.” Encyclopedia Universalis


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