See below

The unfinished presents

In the context of the 12th Biennale de Lyon
From 09/09/2013 to 11/02/2013

Oliver Beer, Julian Charrière, Benoît Pype and Jeremy Shaw: these four artists’ works cross over the physical barrier of the visible by expressing interest in phenomena lying beyond our eye and immediate perception. Within scenarios of the invisible, each one of the works studies the incompleteness of our vision and reveals the unfinished aspects of the present. Using indicators of the imperceptible such as the energy of thoughts, the unplanned, microorganisms, a nuclear explosion, a musical note, time or a trance, these artists draw our attention to the movements and beauty of the non-visible.

This exhibition assembles works of art within the themes of fragility and precariousness of knowledge and language, revealing a permanent negotiationwith a story that is living, continuous, and changing. Functioning as footprints, attempts at recording or allegorical formulae, these artists become echoes of immaterial plots that are nonetheless very real, thus acting as intermediaries between man and the difficulty to speak, recount and represent the complexity of the world.

This exhibition is supported by Euronews, Pro Helvetia, by the individual aid for creation 2013 from the DRAC d’Île-de-France, the ESM, school of management and communications in Geneva, of Georges Verney Carron, and of the Centre Culturel Canadien in Paris.
– Oliver Beer
– Julian Charrière
– Benoit Pype
– Jeremy Shaw
Bâtiment Euronews
56 quai Rambaud, 69002 Lyon. A 50 m de la Sucrière. Du mardi au vendredi de 11h à 18h. Samedi et dimanche de 11h à 19h. Entrée libre.