Invited to occupy the Païpe in February 2016, the American artist Shana Moulton (born in 1976 in Oakhurst, California) creates an installation in which sculpture, video and performance are intimately linked, describes through a female character of the installation reflects the aspirations and the rituals of a society in its quest for a new form of spirituality.
In a DIY logic, Shana Moulton plays with the illusionistic technique of the green screen, which she borrows from cinema or television studios and adapts, constantly making sure that the editing is obvious. Thus, on kaleidoscopic backgrounds, the artist makes objects levitate, teleports Cynthia from a setting to another, creating psychedelic effects, accessible magic tricks.
Curator: Daria de Beauvais
“I am always in search of magic, as a way to escape mundanity. To fulfill this quest, I convoke fantasies and hallucinations. Sometimes, in everyday life, we still manage to perceive way-outs towards reverie.” Shana Moulton interviewed by Lia Rochas Paris, “Shana et les objets parlant”, Standard Magazine, December 6, 2011.