Lionel Soukaz, RV, mon ami, 1994 (captures vidéo), vidéo, couleur, son, 28 min. Courtesy de l'artiste

Les Pointes perché·es : The archive as activism

The 03/22/2023 From 18:30 to 21:00

As part of the exhibition Exposed, discover the program “Les Pointes perché·es” : a series of 5 conversations moderated by Elisabeth Lebovici and François Piron

Managing archives and keeping them alive is a question of collective memory and a form of activism, particularly in the history of LGBTQI struggles.

With Isabelle Sentis, art-therapist, member of the archival collective Queer Code and the participants to her workshop who contributed to the Portrait de Julie Ault par Felix Gonzalez-Torres presented in Exposé·es, Nadia, Nathalie Le Conte, Lionel Mouhibi, Patricia Valentin et Xavier Villain, as well as Stéphane Gérard, filmmaker, editor.
Discussion followed by a screening of the film Rien n’oblige à répéter l’histoire (85’) by Stéphane Gérard.