Festival des écritures bougées

The 06/29/2023 From 19:00 to 21:00

This special edition of The Festival des écritures bougées, “Big Bang”, will take place over the course of two evenings at the Palais de Tokyo. Each evening, six writers and artists will embody the birth of the universe for fifteen minutes in different parts of the Palais de Tokyo. Belgian and French artists will blend their voices and languages to make words crackle, transform spaces and make heard the sounds of the beginning of time.

Getting it started. Start everything. Start doing EVERYTHING.

In the very first instant, THE UNIVERSE is an entirely concentrated point without extension, an “initial singularity”, suddenly a diffuse light emerges, emanating from the cloud of photons that has been travelling in all directions since the beginning of the universe. This is going to be the big explosion, the Big Bang of talking energies. At first, it makes little noises amidst nothingness, then it progresses in a crescendo like the light of solar winds colliding in the middle of the night, almost burning your eyes!

We always talk about the end of the world, but let’s celebrate the beginning of our universe and its expansion into the infinite darkness of the void! Today, scientists have discovered the thermal radiation that was emitted at the dawn of the Universe: the fossilized trace of the first photons that burst into the cosmos. It’s up to poets to infuse this light into words! Belgian and French artists will take turns propelling their bodies through space and light to launch words, and sounds, vibrations, spins, vowels, and consonants! Their mouths, their tongues will stir to conjure up images the beginning of EVERYTHING known and unkown in which we LIVE!

Program : 

Jérôme Poloczek, Tourne

Céline Ahond, On pourrait jouir ensemble

Aziyadé Baudouin-Talec, Bigbanguer

Clément Delhomme, De l’art blanc comme une balle

Antoine Boute, Soleil Animal

Thomas Schmahl, Voyage avec passion

Artists : Kenny Ozier-Lafontaine, Valentina Traïanova, Zaïneb Hamdi, Julia Droga & Julien Solinas, Yaïr Barelli

Curator : Aziyadé Baudouin-Talec & Diane Moquet

Partner : Centre Wallonie Bruxelles