A bee is a bee is a bee © Anne Marie Maes

a bee is a bee is a bee

The 06/03/2022 From 18:00 to 21:00

(you move in accordance with my every change)

At Palais de Tokyo, Annemarie offers an immersive experience. With an artistic and scientific approach, she transforms the spaces of the Palais into a laboratory. The starting points are the research of two major scientists who have studied the world of bees: Karl Von Frisch and François Huber. Through a poetic narrative, the artist leads us into an animal world with a finely organized social structure. Anne Marie Maes creates a symphony of the five senses and she reveals to us the “dance of agitation”, the dance of the bees which determines the functioning of the colony.

Fragments Film (©Variation Games, Anne Marie Maes)

In the delicate notes of beeswax, floral perfumes, propolis and honey, the performers dressed in white jumpsuits, move through the darkened space and mark their work area following the lines of the flight lines communicated to them by the foraging bees during a complex dance. The sound that fills the space has a buzzing background, as the recordings were captured during long-term observations inside the hive and turned into a composition with some electronic touches.

The second space features the video Variation Games, revealing an observation of the behavior of a colony of bees inside their nest. Some photos and sculptures, abstractions of the symbiotic relationship between the colony of bees and nature, complete the installation.

Artist, Director: Anne Marie Maes
Assistant, film: Margarita Maximova
Sound: Yuri Bultheel
Performers: (to be confirmed)

WITH THE SUPPORT OF CENTRE WALLONIE-BRUXELLES/PARIS, IN THE FRAMEWORK OF THEIR HORS-LES-MURS AND THE SUPPORT OF WALLONIE-BRUXELLES INTERNATIONAL, and the support of Guerlain [16:22] Lucile CROSETTI https://www.amazon.fr/Animal-Trail-Baptiste-Morizot/dp/1509547185 Amazon.fr - On the Animal Trail - Morizot, Baptiste, Brown, Andrew - Livres Noté /5: Achetez On the Animal Trail de Morizot, Baptiste, Brown, Andrew: ISBN: 9781509547180 sur amazon.fr, des millions de livres livrés chez vous en 1 jour